Spiritually Inspired Women's Healthcare

 Your Path to Wellness and Balance

Common Conditions in Women's Health

  • Endometriosis  
  • PCOS
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Miscarriage
  • Painful Periods
  • Irregular Periods
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Recurrent Infections
  • Perimenopause
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Gynecological Cancers

 Women's concerns are often dismissed.

       Women tell me that previous providers didn't take the time to listen and really understand their condition. Let's change that.

       You're the expert in your own health and your body knows what it wants. As we work together to restore mind-body communication, we will create physical and energetic balance. Treatment plans often combine recommendations for herbal remedies, energetic practice and pharmaceuticals when appropriate. Let's create a plan that focuses on your education and empowerment.

What is Spiritually Inspired Healthcare?

I use my intuition and messages from the Spirit to guide my care. I combine my psychic gifts with the science of modern medicine to understand and treat conditions in women's health. My focus on somatic process and energy healing brings my clients into a closer connection to their own inner wisdom and many report mystical encounters while in session. I love witnessing clients unfold and transform into greater versions of themselves! 

 Allison Lorne

Certified Nurse Midwife

Registered Nurse

       Practicing in Women's Health for over 25 years, I combine energy healing, herbalism,  somatic integration and modern medicine. I am passionate about honoring the wisdom of the womb and helping women connect to their inner cosmic mother.

       Over the course of my career I've witnessed miraculous healings and have great faith in the body's ability to restore balance when given the attention she is asking for.

       My approach is trauma informed and places emphasis on creating a container of emotional safety. It's an honor to be trusted in the role of healthcare provider and I am in my highest purpose serving my patients!

Find the  healthcare you've been looking for.

Here you'll get the care not often found in routine doctor's visits. How often do you leave an appointment and not have your questions answered? Or maybe you're looking for a more nuanced second opinion? In my coaching containers you have options for more personalized care based in modern medicine with a holistic and spiritual approach.

Single Consult Call

For support with a specific question, a single call may be all you need. In one call we address your priority concerns. I'll share intuitive messages which come through and you'll receive actionable steps to find alignment with your health desires. 



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Weekly calls

  • Receive 4 weekly 50m calls over the course of a month.
  • Explore contributing factors to your health concerns and track your health for improvements.
  • Here you'll get a deeper understanding of the best approach for your healing. 


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Complete Care

  • Receive 4 weekly 50m calls over the course of a month.
  • Telegram access for DM coaching in between calls
  • Remote prayer and energy infusion for your highest health and well being.  



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“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos."

-Thich Nhat Hanh